Baby Bush
Barack Obatman
Barrel of Pelosi
Bush Snort
Cant Touch This
Cheney Christmas Rifle
Christie Cruz and Paul
Condi Jesse
Condi New Glasses
Dennis the Menace
Ear Inspection
Eddie Munster Ryan
Elvis Gore
Flame Thrower
Frank Trump
Gore Twinkies
Hill Kill Bill
Hillary Trump
Judge Cheney
Kids for Kerry Picnic
Kids Will Be Kids
Kim Jong Boss
Kim Jong Pawn
Kofi Annan Experience
Kofi Clown
Kofi T or Me
Lil Georgie Doll
Maggie Thatcher
Men with Balls
Mickey Bush
Obama Claus
Obama McCain
Obama Romney Pie
Oil for Food Program
One Man Band
Orange Jumpsuit
Oval Office Trampoline
Pull My Finger
Putin Pickers
Ron Paul Steve Canyon
Rumsfeld Bagman
Slick Hilly
Sound of Music
Subway Flasher
T Sharpton
Tough Guys
Vice Squad
Weiner Crash